About Untamed

What is Untamed?

What is Untamed?

Untamed is an in progress multiplayer survival game for PC in which players take control of fantastical creatures in a world of overgrown ruins. The objective is to survive to adulthood by using your own skills alone, or by forming a pack with other players and working together.

With planned mechanics such as territory claiming, storing food, decorating your den with bits of nature and found artifacts, and defending the land you call home.

Explore the abandoned ruins and find treasures that increase your stats, or stalk and steal from nearby territories.

Why Untamed?

Why Untamed?

We offer an experience that is unique among survival games: playing as creatures that our team has dreamed up.

Other survival games allow you to play as animals that exist in our world, dinosaurs, or dragons, all of which have well established metas that players take advantage of.

Untamed is a game where all players start at the same level of familiarity with the unique creatures we have created.



Untamed is a fantasy-themed creature survival game. You will assume the role of a completely original fantasy beast who is either a carnivore or a herbivore. Using each creature’s unique playstyle and your wits, you will become either the hunter or the hunted. The object of the game is to survive and thrive against other players in a one of a kind fantasy setting that will challenge your skills and ability to use the environment around you.


Our team seeks to find innovative solutions to problems and challenges that other survival games have faced. Untamed strives to utilize creative features that not only make sense in a survival setting, but are exciting and fun to use. With a strong background in the genre, our team knows its ins and the outs. For every time we’ve said “man, i wish this game had this…” we took note and now look to create a game that gives a fulfilling and thrilling experience to a genre we all hold near and dear to our hearts. Untamed seeks to be a fresh new take on a beloved, tried, and true style of game.

Playable Demo

Playable Demo

While we are building this project from the ground up, we are not starting from scratch.
Countless hours, resources, and about $16 thousand of personal funds have already been put into Untamed.
Our dedicated team has put together a demo build with countless original assets from the custom map, original creature models, and environmental details.

While Milo has been working on various concepts and for Untamed for the past 2 years, development of the demo has taken place over approximately 3 months. This playable demo will be updated regularly to squash the bugs that we can.

Meet The Team

Playable Demo Meet the Team